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Checklist for hiring executives.
At Hayhow we can advise businesses in the King's Lynn area on many aspects of business life. The following checklist indicates qualities to look for when recruiting executives...
Whether you recruit executives from outside your organisation or appoint them from within, it is important to know that the people you choose have what it takes to excel at the decision-making level.
The checklist below will help you identify some potentially useful traits in candidates:
If you identify people within your organisation who display even some of these traits, you might consider discreetly grooming them for bigger things further down the line.
Often, recruiting executives internally can be more cost-effective and more successful in the long term than appointing them from outside.
If you are in the King's Lynn area and are looking for support and advice from a team of professional accountants and business advisers, contact Hayhow.
07 00 2025
Businesses will get a 'measure of relief' after interest rates were cut by the Bank of England, the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) said.
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People plugging gaps in their National Insurance contributions (NICs) have added £35 million to their State Pensions since last April, according to figures from HMRC.